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Downtown Lodi, New York

- and the American Cancer Society (ACS) have launched a new program that provides discounts at local stores while raising money to fund cancer research, programs and services. Shoppers who donate $20 or more to the American Cancer Society are eligible to receive a free Shop Downtown Discount Card. Simply make a donation online, get your receipt verified, and receive your digital discount card to save up to 15% off at participating businesses.

When you get a Shop Downtown Discount Card, you help support your neighbors, the local economy, and the American Cancer Society’s mission to save lives, celebrate lives and lead the fight for a world without cancer. You also can get great savings on a variety of products and services every time you patronize a participating business. It’s a win/win situation.

The American Cancer Society does not endorse any product or service.



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The Fox and the Grapes Bed & Breakfast
9496 State Route 414
Lodi, New York

Hotel Tips

Elevators are notorious for being a nuisance so ask to be roomed on the top floor and as far away as possible. Most hotels book nearby rooms last so hopefully they have availability elsewhere.

Most hotel offer a complimentary breakfast bar or even a full cafe meal with your choice of a full menu. Keep in mind that some offer nothing at all so it is a good idea to pack a few packets of instant oatmeal for a quick and easy meal before you head out for the day.

Avoid booking poolside for kids playing during the day and gatherings at night. Sound bounces off of the water and voices carry so ask for a room away from the pool either on the opposite side of the hotel or in higher floors.

Things To Do

Lodi brings meaning to leisure time while enjoying the local yarn shop and wandering through in amazement with the different fibers and vast array of colors. Signing up for a class is easy and fun and serves as a great getaway for a few hours to enjoy the company of fellow knitters.

Lodi micro breweries have popped up in downtown corridors to quench the thirst of local or traveller whos is looking for a one-of-a-kind experience for suds brewed on site. If you are looking for a light beer or something randy and dark, you are sure to find a wide assortment of options to choose from.

Lodi brings the farming community under one marketplace to offer an assortment of locally grown fruit and vegetables. Traditionally, markets are restricted to anything grown so you can expect to see natural whole foods that are sure to please those working on their plant-based diets!

Why Do You Love Downtown?

kelly jordan
shops and food

Catherine Payne
Great vibe! Low key. Feels like old time Hawaii.

Kathleen Gerds
Looking forward to Ashland downtown. Theater and shopping here we come.

Jeremy Holmes
Supporting small business downtown is a very real way to support your local community. Downtown businesses are locals, like us.

Kathy Tidmarsh
will be staying in Aug. 2017 and looking forward to enjoying your town


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